asanami room
あさなみルームへようこそ!6歳離れたアメリカ人と日本人姉妹です。インターナショナルガールズについての悩み、発見、経験をポッドキャストで配信していきます! Instagram は @asanamiroom です。是非チェックしてください。
Welcome to asanami room! We are Japanese American sisters/6 years apart. We'll be sharing our experiences, challenges and perspectives as two international girls living in Tokyo. Instagram is @asanamiroom Check us out!
asanami room
Coping with Loss (English)
Asana & Anami
Episode 38
Welcome back, English listeners, to asanami room!
Today we’ll be talking about how we’re coping with death (or not).
There’s so many stages to grief that it’s such a process and there’s no correct order. We’ve each been dealing/processing in our own way and maybe some of you can relate. Asana being back in Tokyo and Anami with the kids… we are both experiencing such different emotions.
There’s so many stages to grief that it’s such a process and there’s no correct order. We’ve each been dealing/processing in our own way and maybe some of you can relate. Asana being back in Tokyo and Anami with the kids… we are both experiencing such different emotions.
Thank you for tuning back in on asanami room 🤍