asanami room
あさなみルームへようこそ!6歳離れたアメリカ人と日本人姉妹です。インターナショナルガールズについての悩み、発見、経験をポッドキャストで配信していきます! Instagram は @asanamiroom です。是非チェックしてください。
Welcome to asanami room! We are Japanese American sisters/6 years apart. We'll be sharing our experiences, challenges and perspectives as two international girls living in Tokyo. Instagram is @asanamiroom Check us out!
Podcasting since 2021 • 46 episodes
asanami room
Latest Episodes
Birth Experience in the U.S. (English)
Welcome back, English listeners, to asanami room!Today we’ll be talking about Anami’s Birth Experience in the U.S. As some of you may already know, Anami gave birth to Koa in Japan, but gave birth to her baby girl...
Episode 42

Special Guest - Leon
Welcome back to asanami room ☀︎本日は41回目のエピソードです!なんと、スペシャルゲストをお呼びしました..!妹のAsanaのお友達、Leonがasanami roomに遊びに来てくれました!Leonはかなりインターナショナルな生活を送っており、その話で盛り上がってしまいました。ぜひ聞いてください!
Episode 41

Special Guest - Leon (English)
Hello English listeners!Welcome back to asanami room ☀︎Today, we have a very special guest!Asana's friend Leon will be joining us on our podcast for the next two weeks.Leon is also an international baby - his mother is J...
Episode 40